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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Well, that's a new one!

I got some salted caramel hot chocolate today partly because it was chilly, but mostly because the first time I had it (way back in October), this was my reaction:

When I picked it up at the counter, the barista said, "Do you want a splash guard?" and I was so confused that I just looked at him without responding. My thoughts were racing, trying to figure out what he was talking about. A splash guard? Is it like mud flaps on a car? Is splash guard a euphemism for something sexual? As soon as my mind went THERE, I had to say yes. In the name of science or something.

Turns out, if you didn't know, we live in a world where someone came up with the idea of molding a plastic oval the exact size of the hole in a cup lid, so when you're walking around, your way-too-expensive hot beverage doesn't jump out and get all over you. No joke. It's like the evolution of the stir stick.

Check it:

A splash guard. Not what I envisioned, but still, kind of cool. Sure, more waste to go into the landfills, but something has to even out all the talk of saving the environment and being green, right?


AutoSysGene said...

Well aren't you lucky...I've been getting coffee there for months and I've never been offered a "splash guard".

Me thinks someone has a crush on you...;)

Clippy Mat said...

do they come up with these ideas???
somebody got a promotion.
the boot...

Spammon said...

Well it is I guess that means it's environmentally friendly right?

Maybe they should make it out of candy so you can eat it. How's that for being green?

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Well, interestingly enough this splash guard looks remarkably like the splash guards that attach to potty training seats when a boy uses it.

Why does my mind make these bizarre associations? Beats the hell out of me. I am just glad I live here and now as there is no doubt in my mind that in other cultures or periods of history I would be killed (probably in a VERY painful way) as a heretic.