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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Public Service Announcement: The best way to tell someone off, today, forever and always

My new favorite phrase is a memorable movie quote, and I have put it to use the past few months--most recently, last night when I got cut off in traffic. The guy driving like a jerk didn't hear me, but I sure felt better having said it.

Coincidentally, when I got home I caught a rerun of a sitcom that Gene Wilder was on, which made me wonder if anyone had posted the particular Willy Wonka scene with said phrase on YouTube. I shouldn't have wondered. Of course it was there, and now it's here not only for your enjoyment, but more importantly, for you to learn the best way to tell someone off.

I highly recommend saying this as much as possible. It will make you feel so much better. It's good in many varied situations and I always end up smiling after I say it, even if only on the inside. If it's not possible for you to say it without losing your job or your spouse filing for divorce-- just THINK it to yourself!

You really haven't lived until you've ended a tension-filled moment with this phrase. Even more satisfying: saying it directly to, or in regards to, a female. Nothing, not even the big "F/U", can beat this.

I promise, the frustration you feel will magically lift from your body and fly away, most likely landing on the people who haven't read this educational post on my blog. You're welcome.

I'm going to have to work on a t-shirt design for this. Will keep you updated.


Melisa Wells said...

Sign me up to buy the t-shirt!


k a t i e said...

I followed the little link from Pretty In The City and found this - it fits in beautifully with the argument I am in the middle of with my partner.

"It's not ALL about winning".

Muhaha. Thank you, Jules! I am sure to be a regular here from now on :)

House of Jules said...

Welcome, Katie (and anyone else from Pretty in the City-- I love Karyn's site)! I'm always happy to help someone win an argument.

Good Day, Sir! :)

Tinelle Windham said...

This is hilarious. It also made me feel extra special when I figured what the phrase was before I even pressed play on the clip.

Thanks for reaffirming one of the more graceful highlights of a somewhat "lost" culture of people.