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Sunday, November 23, 2008

If by "You Got Served", you're referring to our beverages... then yes, we got served

We had a little too much fun staying in and keeping it low-key this weekend. The tone was set late Friday night. We had just enough wine to stumble upon and actually sit through the Academy Award-winning film, You Got Served*. What's that? It didn't win an Oscar? Well, it SHOULD have, let me tell you. It's only a slight overstatement to say that we've never laughed so loud in all our lives. 

Wait, it wasn't a comedy?


You (Had to Get) Got Served (to watch this movie)

*In case you don't already know this, the slang meaning of "You Got Served" is to teach someone a lesson. This is what the movie title suggests, except that it's in the context of teaching someone a lesson by beating them in a dance-off.

Saturday night we made a delicious dinner, lit some candles and braved Tristan and Isolde, a movie Netflix recommended based on my previous 4-star rating of 300. It was MUCH better than our Friday late night flick, though I did notice similarities in the plot lines. During one of the battle scenes between the English & the Irish I blurted out,
"If they just added some club music to this scene and the warriors had a hulking, 5th century style dance-off instead of all this violence, they could have easily called the movie, "YE Got Served".

Then we laughed so hard, and for so long, that it was difficult to take the rest of this beautifully shot movie seriously. It was still funny to us in the morning, so I decided to put a little something together in Photoshop, using a Tristan & Isolde cast picture:

"Ye Got Served". Oh boy, did we ever. ©HouseofJules


Spammon said...

Oh man, I do my best to keep clear from dance movies. Something tells me that Vanilla Ice and twin on the cover were dishing out some serious servings.

On those same lines, you throw some of those hip beats into the the 10 Commandments, and you'll be hearing Charleston Heston saying the lines: 'Thou Art Served'.

lindsey said...

I love movies you can sit and make fun of with friends. When we meet you, let's add that to our list of things to do together!

House of Jules said...

@Spammon: I left out the best part: Kevin Federline was a backup dancer in one of the dance crews. The movie was made back when he had cornrows, so it was GLORIOUS.

I'm pretty sure Thou Art Served is the prequel to Ye Got Served. Actually, it's probably the prequel to everything.

@Linds: YES, lets!!! Woo hoo!