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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mikey, Data, Mouth, Chunk & Sloth are all standing by. All I have to do is say the word!

Dear Josh Brolin,
It's not enough that you starred with my boyfriend, Javier Bardem in your latest movie, No Country For Old Men? Now you dare to disrespect me tonight on the red carpet with this? You don't see me laying one on your gorgeous and talented wife, Diane Lane, do you? No, you don't.

Don't make me tie you up Goonies-style!

Jeremy is irresistible, I get it, but I will only say this once: you'd better step off of my Pivs, because there's NO COUNTRY FOR INJURED MEN, EITHER.

That's Jeremy's "WTF is happening to me" look, it's not the "I'm enjoying this" look it seems to be. Trust!



Bri said...

I feel your pain, really. :)

In regards to your twitter, how could a girl get in on the single groomsmen?

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, that guy just totally attacked your man, you are being much more calm about this than I would be.

Where's that can of whoop ass? ;)

House of Jules said...

@Bri: I know you do! As for the recent twittering, all you had to do was ask, which was the beauty of it; and hence my love hangover. Oooof. You really should have been there. It was a veritable fireman-buffet.

@Melissa: See "Love Hangover" twitter (I'm newly addicted to twitter, in that I can send little 140 character "tweets" from my cell phone, in the form of a text message, to my blog... which is amazing since there are lots of things that come up which are too short to post about but that I still want to share...) in right column. You'll see that I'm still blissed-out from the weekend activities and don't have it in me to scratch Brolin's eyes out. Besides, I know he's not REALLY a threat, it was just a little warning to him that he should keep his lips to his hot wife.

Tootsie Farklepants said...

That is a "I'll tolerate this because there are cameras around that would document the ass-whoopin' I'd really like to deliver", look.

House of Jules said...

@Tootsie: If you add, "and besides, I'm already spoken for!" to that, you are 100% right on, sista! I'm telling you, you really, really got it!

kat said...

LOL...he's really giving it his all. I was almost in tears reading this :)

Melisa Wells said...

To me it looks like he's whispering "That woman of yours is a real are so lucky, my friend!" hee hee

shelleycoughlin said...

God, I love Josh Brolin. LOVE.

Spammon said...

You better pray that it's a "WTF is happening to me look" and not a "I wish I could quit you look". We'd all hate to see you have a meltdown.

Don Mills Diva said...

I can tell by the look on Jeremey's face that he is wishing it were you.

House of Jules said...

@Kat: He really is trying to stop himself from throwing elbows. You can see that his face is a bit strained. My poor hubs.

@SisMis: You are SO correct about that. I didn't even stop to think that he might be WHISPERING into Jeremy's ear. I think that's what Groucho Marx told his wife when she caught him kissing another woman, though... "I was only whispering in her mouth" or something like that. Totally feasible.

@NancyPearlWannabe: Well, sure everyone loved him back when he was Brand Walsh in Goonies, but that was before the Coreys got really hot and we were all lusting after them. I'm so happy that you have a thing for the Josh Brolin of now... and hope that on the next red carpet he's kissing you instead! Keep me posted!

@Spammon: Thanks for making me spit out my beverage. If I hear Jeremy ever say, "Josh, I swear..." while hugging a western-style shirt, I will definitely be due for a meltdown.

@DonMillsDiva: You always have my back, girl! Must be because we have that 4 foot martini glass connection!

xxxx said...

Injured and/or SEVERELY MAIMED men! Ha ha.

Jen said...

I can't believe that Josh Brolin BITCH had the nerve to move in on your man! I say we kick his ass!

House of Jules said...

@Swish & Jen: I'm glad to know you girls will be backing me up when I yell to Brolin, "
Warriers, come out to play-ee-aye!"

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

OMG! A Goonies and an even older "Warriors" reference in the same thread? Suddenly I am not dreading my next birthday being in such fine company! :)

Oh, and Mr. Pivs. THAT is sexual harassment and you don't have to take it anymore!

House of Jules said...

Rob: Did I overload your system?

Anonymous said...

"It's a booty trap!" "You mean booby trap." "That's what I said!" Love the Goonies more than words.
Has Rob met us? Wait 'til we bust out Sixteen Candles and Flash Gordon references (I almost went Steel Magnolias, but he's a dude so I compromised).

House of Jules said...

Stace: OMG, don't even get me started on Flash "Ahh AHHHH!" Gordon. I will say this, though. I still have some notecards I got for my 8th birthday that are Flash Gordon themed. Don't be jealous.

Did you ever read THIS POST? (make sure you play both Youtube clips I have on there to get the full effect!)