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Thursday, January 31, 2008

If anything could make me do a flying karate kick from happiness, this would definitely do the trick

The geniuses at Chunklet have supplied the universe with the most exciting discovery in the history of music, including the first caveman who ever knocked a couple of sticks together, banged them on rocks and then tossed them into the crowd after grunting what has become the traditional end-of-show "Thank you and goodnight!" that we're so accustomed to hearing. Of course, the caveman who caught those sticks was probably the one who decided to rub them together and make fire, but I don't want to get off topic, because what I'm about to share with you is more important than FIRE. What's that, you ask? They have somehow found the vocals-only track of David Lee Roth singing the Van Halen hit, Runnin' with the Devil, and it's better than you can even imagine. Here's part of their set-up:

...if Van Halen just kept with what worked, the "dark years" (aka "Anything With Sammy") would never have happened. Sure, they had number one songs and albums, but dammit, Dave was the soul of the band**! The zen-cum-slapstick comedian of the group! I defy you to prove me otherwise. To prove my point, listen to this mp3! PROVE! ME! WRONG!"

I have actually played the vocals-only track at the same time as the actual song from their CD, and I cried from all that laughing. The only thing that might top this vocals-only track would be the one for Just a Gigolo. Just the thought of hearing him skat not only, "Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop" but sing the ENTIRE SONG a cappella, makes me happy in my pants.

**For the record, no matter how much DLR amuses me, I love Van Hagar/Sam Halen more than the original Halen; so while I disagree with the writer over at Chunklet referring to Sammy's VH as "The dark years", the mp3 of DLR's singing is too good to keep to myself.

Just a warning in advance: you will probably not be able to keep your laughter to yourself, so if you're acting like you're hard at work in your office, but you're really reading this blog instead, you better either plug in your headphones or wait until the people without a sense of humor leave the area. Without further ado, Click here to experience this great thing of beauty.

Original source (via Boing Boing), where you'll also see a photo from behind of DLR wearing ass-less chaps, which I didn't think you needed to see first thing in the morning. You're welcome.

This post is dedicated to MM, BS & AP; in memory of all the good times, and also because That's. What's. Going. Down. On-the-inside. Don't let this get arouuuund. To-the-outside.


The Fruitcake Lady said...

I've not yet listened but, OF COURSE, I had to go ahead and check out the ass-less chaps on display. All I can say about that is "thank you, Mr. Roth!" Because of his fashion statement, I no longer have the desire to eat. At all. Ever. DLR is my new dieting inspiration. I believe he's also going to have to be responsible for the two shots of bourbon I just had to swallow to blur that image.

On a different note, are not all chaps ass-less by nature? And yet we all refer to them as ass-less. Interesting. Ass-less....that's fun to say. ASS-LESS.

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Fruitcake lady, ah how the wisdom pours fouth! :)

Jules, am I the ONLY person on earth that liked Van Hagar better? DLR annoyed me to my bones and even if I will grudgingly admit that DLR could sing at one time however, Eddie Van Halen was THE force in the band! You could have gotten ME to sing (and you can ask Erika, I can't sing! :) ) and they still would have been huge.

Besides, WTF was that bird chirp thing? {shiver}

The [Cherry] Ride said...

OMG and Holy Shit - he's the white Little Richard!

Spammon said...

He was definately an inspiration to Lil' Jon. Heaven forbid what I sound like when I sing with headphones on.

The Fruitcake Lady said...

Hey now! The hubby and I saw Van Halen with...wait for it.....GARY CHERONE. And he was great! Of course, I was always an Extreme fan. But disregarding the singing entirely, he really did put on a hell of a stage show.

Okay, so now where do I sit on the loser-o-meter?

Tootsie Farklepants said...

I've totally sent this to people.

Jen said...

I completely LOVE that piece and my kids and I are both dying laughing.
Remember the DLR and Poison tour? That R-O-C-K-E-D!!! So much make up and big that makes ME happy in my pants!
@ Fruitcake Lady: I've actually never referred to chaps as ass-less. I guess I just thought it was implied. You should know I live in Texas so that might have something to do with my theory.

House of Jules said...

@Fruitcake Lady: DLR is so glad he could help! I wonder if it would have made a difference to you if it was Gary Cherone in those ass-less chaps?

I will *always, always put "ass-less" before "chaps", because as you stated, "ass-less" is fun to say. (*unless I'm talking about my favorite men's, err, boy's cologne from the 80's, "Chaps" which had an odd effect on all the girls in school... it could often make us pants-less. Interesting.)

@Rob: You bring up a good point, that maybe people will assume that I'm not a fan of Van Hagar.

Number of times I saw Van Halen w/ DLR: 0
Number of times I saw Van Hagar live in concert: 4
Number of times I've seen Sammy Hagar & The Waboritas: 1 (but that was mostly just to try his tequila at the launch event in NYC, I didn't know he was even going to perform!).

I love Van Hagar! DLR is more of a fascination to me. I can't believe someone actually has a personality like that, and be so in the dark about how much of a jackass they are. He's both amusing and horrifying at the same time.

If you were the lead singer of Van Halen, I'd want you to sing "Sweep the Leg, Johnny" as your encore.

@CherryRide: Thank you, you win today's prize of buying me a new shirt, seeing as I spit my drink out all over myself when I read your comment. WAY TO GO!

@Spammon: What's with all the "Little" and "Lil"'s that DLR inspired?! Who else are we leaving out besides Lil Kim?

@TootsieFarklepants: I'm so glad you did!

@Jen: So much makeup and big hair

...and that was just us! Remember when our 7th grade science teacher tore up and threw away our folders because we had (amongst other bands) "MOTLEY CRÜE!" written on them, and he said, "Motley Crüe is the devil's music". See my above reply to Fruitcake Lady regarding the whole "ass-less" thing. Implied or not, that word makes me happy in my mouth. ;)

xxxx said...

THANK YOU for shielding us from the ass-less chaps ... although Fruitcake Lady might be onto something! Haha.

The Fruitcake Lady said...

@ Jules: "makes me happy in my mouth"?!?!!! well, I'll be the one to say it....THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.

Anonymous said...

Ditto, the fruitcake lady may be onto something and thank for shielding us from the ass-less chaps...

House of Jules said...

@Swish&Kris(chasing fireflies): I would never throw an image of DLR in ass-less chaps at you, at least not first thing in the morning.

@Fruitcake Lady: You have no idea how often I say that...

Sauntering Soul said...

That was hysterical! I saw Van Halen w/ DLR back in high school. About a hundred years ago.

Unknown said...

Have you seen this?