I know posts have been kind of lacking around here lately, but I've been busy. Not busy in the patronizing way, as if to say snootily and with a feigned Madonna-British accent, "I'm much too busy for this sort of trivial internette task", but busy in the way that I've had things going on away from home and computer, or busy in the way that my head has been consumed with thoughts and conversations I can't put on blast because several people would kill me so hard that I'd die the death. You know, that kind of busy.
It's not just that I've been social butterfly-flitting around even more than usual, but it doesn't help that I have 4 posts in the works--none of which are finished yet. If you want to know how successful that can be, it's exactly like reading 4 books concurrently; it takes much longer to get to the end of each of them, and it's all you can do not to chuck them all out the proverbial window and do a happy dance. My plan is to get some of that frustration out in other ways (HEY-OH!) so I can wrap a couple of them up in time for your enjoyment next week.
Until then, I have the following gem for you. First, you should know that I couldn't care less about Katherine Heigl's career but that's mostly because I think she's a total douche. I know everyone doesn't feel that way (sorry, Swishy!) but I say RELEASE THE HOUNDS, and by "hounds", I mean Heigl from her torturous contract at Grey's Anatomy, a contract that I assume isn't paying her enough to support her smoking habit. Oooh, burn!
Also, I haven't watched GA since the end of the first season... technically I watched the entire first season and the first episode of the 2nd season, but I could just smell the suck factor so I dropped it like a bad habit. It sounds more harsh than it was but life is too short to sit through TV shows that aren't doing it for me. I don't have DVR, so I sit through commercials. Which means I don't take my TV shows lightly. Commercials=commitment. Besides, if someday I feel the need to revisit a show, I'll just get the DVDs from Netflix. What did I ever do without Netflix?
Where was I? Oh yes, Katherine Heigl. Whether you like her or not, this headline is enjoyable on a level that doesn't even relate to the future of her character on the show, because when I read it, I heard California's Governor in my head:
Double-click either "play" arrow if you have trouble with the video:
"It's NOT a tuma! It's not a tuma... at all!"
Enjoy a tuma-free weekend!
Friday, August 1, 2008
A good excuse to work "I'm here to PUMP (clap) YOU UP!" into your next conversation
Posted by
House of Jules
4:36 PM
Labels: Pop Culture Vulture, Pump you up, unbelievable douchebaggery
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Hmm. I find myself with several comment options, but I'm fairly certain that each one would somehow insult or alienate SOMEBODY out there, so I will keep them to myself. But I also don't care about her career (Sorry Swishy!).
I'm not a Grey's Anatomy watcher so I don't really have an opinion on Kathy Heigl. However, back in 1994 I loved her in My Father the Hero.
Oh yeah I saw this and thought of you. this
Ammon embedded that, what an idiot.
@linds: I never saw that movie, but I'll look into it!
@Spammon: Good job with the link!
The funny thing about that photo is I actually knew EXACTLY who it was when I first saw it the other day. The giveaway was the vehicle behind him in the photo, though. Because I know what kind of car(s) he drives. He is my husband, you know.... ha ha
PS- Can I hang out with you two if I come out west? You guys kill me. In a good way.
I read that as "Tuna"... and thought about telling you about this gross "clearance priced" pasta sauce I saw at the grocery store (a whole cart full) that was "TUNA spaghetti sauce"!!!
Then I re-read the caption.
Oh well. I still contend that there was a reason it was clearance. ;-)
I've never watched a single episode of Grey's Anatomy. And I don't think I've ever seen Katherine Heigl in anything to be honest. I probably should not have even commented since this is most likely the most boring comment ever.
i actually go through the same thing- periods of time where i have like 5 potential posts in mind, and then I forget them, or feel to overwhelmed to post them.
But do you hate her...because she's beautiful?
Yeah, its easy to dislike her because of the beauty factor!
@Hotfessional: Tuna SPAGHETTI sauce? WTF?
@SaunteringSoul: First James Bond and now this? Just kidding! The only thing you're missing out on are the hot (male) doctors.
@Andie: Glad you can relate!
@MrsMouthy: Kelly LeBrock definitely, but not Katherine Heigl!
@Lovely disturbance: I can't get past her attitude, which makes her not-so-pretty to me.
OK, I was out of town when you posted this ... even though I am pro-Heigl, I still laughed!
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