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Friday, April 4, 2008

The "King in the Castle Courtroom" dodges another lawsuit bullet! High-five!

Click to enlarge.

Click HERE to read the New York Times article.

If I had a dollar for every time I was "randomly accosted and touched" when I lived in New York City--or here in Chicago, for that matter-- I'd be loaded...and I mean that in the financial, not the inebriated sense! A short ride on the subway during rush hour will guarantee a very specific kind of physical intimacy with strangers that in nearly any other time and place would be wholly inappropriate unless you had dinner together first. I have stories for days of the many strange and personal-space-violating experiences on the subway: like the time that a seemingly-blind panhandler was feeling her way through the crowded N train, and then tried to feel her way through my purse. I yanked it back, and she screamed "B**CH!!!!" in my ear for awhile. When someone else helped her to move along, she sweetly sung, "You smell good!" as she stroked my hair. Maybe a better illustration of special city closeness would be the time a Wall Street-type squeezed himself into the already sardine-packed E train and since he couldn't reach a pole or overhead bar to hang on to, he just grabbed me around the waist until he could maneuver himself towards something made of metal that was actually bolted into the floor. Seriously.

When my sister & I saw Borat, we were disgusted and horrified by the vulgarity of the "humor"... which of course means that we loved it. Sure, when it was over I turned to her and said, "Any innocence I had before this movie began is now gone, and I am forever scarred from this disturbing experience" but I said it in between bursts of laughing so hard I was crying. The very next night she took my brother-in-law to see it, though his opinion was a bit different than ours (we're used to that). 

I ended up buying Borat when it came out on DVD and had even more fun watching it with Charissa, who had yet to see it. Her reactions were priceless and could have been a spin-off slapstick comedy on their own merits. Mostly it was her saying, "This is so wrong!". Good times!

My point here is that not everyone thinks movies like this are funny, and not everyone agrees with the judge's ruling to dismiss this case (or any of the other eleventy-hundred that have been brought against the producers of the movie); but what was funny to ME about that 13-second scene this recent dismissed case involved was that the guy started running erratically down the sidewalk at top speed when Borat reached out to touch him. It was a totally unexpected reaction for the most part, unlike anything I've ever seen, which is exactly why I had such an appreciation for the entire movie. Stranger things happen to me (and I have seen stranger things happen to other people) than just random touching, and the reactions I've had (or have seen people have) never involved bobbing and weaving through the crowd. A punch in the face, maybe, but for the most part people just keep right on-a walking, which is one of the many reasons I love big, crowded cities. Absurd things happen all of the time, even when you're keeping your hands to yourself.

I couldn't find the sidewalk scene on YouTube, but this video has a bunch of other (what I think are) funny clips from the movie. Probably not something you should watch at work because if his accent doesn't get people's attention, your laughter (or gasps of horror, depending on your reaction) will:

Maybe because our dad has been running hotels for his entire professional career and we spent A LOT of time in them as kids, one of the scenes in this clip-fest that made my sister & I laugh the hardest (which starts 18 seconds from the beginning) is when Borat checks into a hotel, takes an elevator for the first time, gets in his crappy room and is so impressed with the fact that it has furniture in it that he sits down and says, "Wa Wa Wee Wah! King in the castle, King in the castle! I have a chair!"


Andie said...

I love that movie. I made my husband go see it and at first, he was like, are you serious? but then was cracking up along side me.

Spammon said...

First, this movie was absolutely hilarious. Some of my favorite clips are in the deleted scenes. The Massage and the Cheese scene.

Now, as for some of the people who have sued, let me explain to you why:

Sidewalk Guy: His friends already know it, but now the whole world knows it. You are afraid of your own shadow and are most likely wearing a maxi pad.

College Kids: Obviously after this movie you are only left with your hand. Or your buddies. If you show your face in front of any minority, female or pretty much anybody, you will get your ass kicked.

Feminazi Learn how to take a joke you hag.

Sauntering Soul said...

I haven't seen the movie, but just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for all the touching you have to deal with. Ick!

I will try to no longer complain about my one and only experience with it here in Atlanta. A homeless guy with no teeth grabbed me and kissed me on the street one day. Maybe it's a good thing the public transportation system here in Atlanta is awful and I drive myself to and from work everyday. I couldn't handle strangers touching me all the time.

kat said...

Gosh did we have a great time watching Borat. You gotta have some brain and a sick sense of humor to get that movie and a lot of people didn't, which made it all the more funny. Given it is gross and sometimes disgusting but still funny.

Anyway icky icky ick...being touched by strangers in the subway etc is totally creepy. The mere thought is sending shivers down my spine.

Michelle said...

Ahhh, that brings back memories of my favorite el experience.

Summertime going home on the el. In a suit, but one with short sleeves. A guy sat down next to me -- I had a seat! -- and proceeded to slide his shirt sleeve up his arm so that he could rub his arm against mine.

And yeah, I did tell him to move or I'd start screaming. It worked, thank God. I still took a shower as soon as I got home and am still creeped out about it. Just the expression on his face....

Melisa Wells said...

Why is it that I never get touched by strangers? Is there something wrong with me? I'm feeling a little inadequate, like I should go down to Union Station and hover around people, hoping they'll brush by.


(LOL...just kidding)

melly~ said...

I like you. How much? :D
Loved the movie, love your blog!

House of Jules said...

@Andie: You & your husband have very good taste. :)

@Spammon: THE CHEESE SCENE made me dry heave a little bit, but was soooo funny. I wonder where they come up with that stuff, just like I wonder where you came up with the insult "you're probably wearing a maxi pad" for the sidewalk guy, which slayed me! The college kids, well, they will likely regret that for a LONG time. The line, "C'mon, give me a little smile, baby" is STILL something one of my friends says to me because he & I took the required "Women's Studies" course together in college (so we could survive it!) and that was the first thing we laughed about after both having seen Borat. You know the driving instructor sued, too! To him I'd just say in a robotic voice, "MUST. NOT. HIT. THE. CHILDREN." like he did in the movie.

@SaunteringSoul: I think your experience is WAY worse than any of mine. I can't imagine what that must have been like for you. He just grabbed & kissed you? WOW. I need more details.

@Kat: It doesn't happen every day or anything, but it happens. What else could be expected when you're in a city of 8 million people all living and working stacked on top of each other? But, yeah, it can get awkward!

@Michelle: YUCK!!! WHAT???? NOOOO!!!! That is horrific.

@MelisaMySista: What's up wit it, Vanilla-Face? We'll have to get some strangers to touch you the next time we're out. Then you'll feel SO MUCH better!

@Melly~: I have a good friend whose online name is ALSO Melly so it was funny to read your comment and realize it was someone else! Welcome to the H.o.J.!!! Yes, the "I like you, how much?" has GOT to be one of the best movie quotes of all time. Good call, I temporarily forgot about that one and will now have to reinstate it into my conversations, to which my brother-in-law will enjoy rolling his eyes to every time my sister & I volley it back & forth. :) Thanks!

Don Mills Diva said...

Yay for dismissing lawsuite against anything that makes me laugh that hard!

Anonymous said...

Lets get down to the important question. Was the wall street guy hot?

House of Jules said...

@Don Mills Diva: I think the judge should just go with THAT as grounds for dismissal: "This movie is just too damn funny, case closed!"

@Stacey: Well, I didn't get a REALLY good look because it was packed so tight in there I could barely turn my head around to see him (he was grabbing me from behind; and I know what's going through your mind now, so stop it!) but no matter how crowded things get, I don't let just ANYONE get all up on me. I didn't shake him off because he smelled great and had a nice grip technique. I'll leave it at that. ;)

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Sigh. I wake up every day hoping to be randomly accosted and touched in public. But alas, it is never to be.

House of Jules said...

@CherryRide: Oh Cherry, I missed you!!!!

Anonymous said...

You said "from behind."

House of Jules said...

@Stace: I'm SO not surprised by that comment...

Jen said...

...but no matter how crowded things get, I don't let just ANYONE get all up on me. I didn't shake him off because he smelled great and had a nice grip technique. I'll leave it at that. ;)

OK, really? Do I even have to go there with you, 31st birthday night mack-attack woman??

House of Jules said...

@Jen: How dare you insinuate that Alejandro falls under the category of the "just anyone" that I wrote about in this post! You know I have standards and he was VERY, VERY SPECIAL to me! I've said it before & I'll say it again: He was tall, dark, handsome, spoke with an accent, wished me a happy birthday and told me I had a beautiful smile. Except the way he said it was all whispery-sexiness and it sounded more like this, "Joo have a beautee-ful es-smile". He was practically Antonio Banderas, and where I'm from it's just impolite not to respond in-kind. You know my parents didn't raise me to up to make this country look bad. I swear that it was a neck-up act of patriotism, and I was welcoming him to America with my lips. Our nation should thank me for my efforts. Besides... he totally started it! Now, where's that Dyson?