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Monday, May 21, 2007

It could also stand for "Dunderhead"

Here is a highlight from a recent conversation with a friend who is back on the social scene after the conclusion of a very-long-term relationship. Her kids were in the next room so we were censoring our normally saucy conversation to a certain degree.

Friend: I haven't heard from him in 3 weeks.

Me: Think he's trying to blow you off?

Friend: It sure feels like it. I hope he realizes that because he is 38 years old, I kind of thought he was an adult. I've been the one to keep things casual between us, and we were friends for a long time before this. If he's not into it anymore, he should just tell me.

Me: Agreed.

Friend: I'm just confused about it. ESPECIALLY because he's the one who, last month, brought up the"D"-word!

Me: The "D"-word? {Mentally scanning through all the "D"-words in my brain, but not coming up with anything that would, in context, make any sense} What's the "D"-word?

Friend: {Trying to whisper what the mystery word is, incomprehensible due to her muffled snickering}

Me: Hmmm, this is completely throwing me. Let me think a second. {In my head I've gotten all the way to dysphoria, which is the last of the "D"-words that I can come up with, and I don't know why it would be confusing if he brought up "dysphoric" and now she doesn't know why he's been M.I.A. That can't be what the "D" stands for.}

Friend: {Loudly giggling, still unable to get the word out}

Me: I mean, if you said that he brought up the "F"-word, or the "C"-word, I would know exactly what you're talking about. You're going to have to help me out here.

Friend: {Howling with laughter} "DATING", Julie! The "D"-word he brought up was "dating"!

Me: Oh. Well, then I can see why you're so confused.