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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stop! Hammer Tiem!

Yesterday, I was telling how in college some friends stole a stop sign. They hung it in their dorm room with pride, and then one day their R.A. walked by and asked where they got it from. After getting the runaround, he went back to his room and called campus police.

Need I say that their R.A. was a buzzkill? I think not.

I was in the room when the fateful "Open up, POLICE!" shout/knock at the door happened, and I listened to my friends very calmly explain to the police that they had "liberated a hexagon*", not stolen a stop sign.

Then I watched my friends GET AWAY WITH IT. Man, I loved college.

Hammer Tiem? I took this picture of a stop sign in Key West, where everybody is a little bit dyslexic and a little bit drunk. Photo ©HouseofJulesPhotography

*Yes, yes. A stop sign is an octagon, not a hexagon. That's partly why the story is so funny.


Spammon said...

I had no idea police even cared about such a thing. And now that it's eating at me, it's tiem I came clean. I have a liberated stop sign, one way street, yield, no parking, men at work, 35 MPH, and a Pugsley Street sign in my garage. I'd like to say that these were all done in college, but the last liberated sign was 3 years ago.

Cristina said...

Ah, I miss college :) Awesome story!

TSintheC said...

snort. I didn't even catch the hexagon/octagon thing.

House of Jules said...

@Spammon: I like that you have liberated so many signs! Good Tiems! I am happy to know that you now have a good excuse should the police show up at your door. Though I assume the police in UT have more going on than the police where I went to college.

@Hotfessional: Neither did the cops, funniness on top of funniness. :)