When I was a little kid, I absolutely loved Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. LOVED them. I was the only girl on the block to have (or even care about having) that Luke Skywalker hovercraft toy. In all honesty, I got it because I was enthralled with the hovercraft, not because I was into Luke Skywalker. Even at such a young age, Han Solo was the guy for me. I was so into him that I looked past his stupid name and straight into his soul. In fact, just over a year ago, I wrote THIS POST about him.
I haven't actually seen any of those movies in at least 15 years. At least. While I could easily write this month's Humpday post about Han Solo--the obvious choice based on what you've just read-- I'm going a different route. This month's special dude? R2-D2. Just when you think you know me, I pick a non-human! This is my way of keeping you on your toes. You might be doubting my choice now, but I think you'll agree with me by the end of this post.
I was surprised at how excited I got as soon as the following promo video for this R2-D2 DVD projector started. It goes without saying that if I had an extra $3000 laying around to spend on toys, one of these babies would be on it's way to my door right this second. I confess this to you without shame: I'm pretty sure this video gave me my first DORKGASM, or the first one in at least 15 years.
Double-click on either 'play' arrow if you have trouble with the video
When Artoo leans all the way back, showing off his multi-positioning abilities, I actually gasped out loud. Seriously.
Millennium Falcon remote (both ridiculous and perfect)
DVD/CD player
260" diagonal projection
Multi-positioning (Swoon!)
Xbox 360/PS3/Wii connection
Safety sensor (I always loved his little, "wooowwww!")
Virtual surround sound
Video-In capabilities
Original R2-D2 sounds
USB stick & multi-card reader: music, video, photo
iPOD DOCK!!!! (money shot!)
Are you seriously looking for something valid to be on this list? Did you even READ the high points? How could anyone complain after that? Alright, I'm just saying this because I know someone else is thinking it: the only thing missing is the capability to chill beer and cook a pizza. {UPDATE: There's a solution to the chilled beer situation in the comments!}
So, there you have it... June's Hump of the Month is a droid! It's anybody's guess who or what I'll pick for July. If you think I'm crazy, look what I found when doing my usual thorough Humpday research: A Star Wars movie theater inside someone's mansion!
Click HERE to read previous Humpday posts featuring actual human men.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Putting the Hump in Humpday: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Chewbacca sold separately
Posted by
House of Jules
9:01 AM
Labels: Putting the hump in humpday, smoke 'em if ya got 'em
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I, too, gave out a little "oh!" when R2 reclined.
I also came up with my own reason to project videos on the ceiling, and it ain't to play video games while lying on my couch, if you know what I mean (oh c'mon, you KNOW you were thinking it too!).
OMG, my heart rate DID actually increase when I started the video. How cool is that???
Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope...other than R2D2! :)
(and that theater is awesome!!!)
I have been a Star Wars fanatic my entire life. I keep it in the closet due to the track record of the group.
For $3k that's not too shabby just to use as a prop alone. I seriously wanted the Han Solo in carbonite replica. But $5k put it out of my hands forever as they are just about impossible to find now. Even at that price.
The only thing that could make that R2D2 more perfect is if it danced a little bit when you plugged in your iPod.
If I win the Lotto, I'm totally buying that for you. That,and those Carlos Santana shoes.
I'm so not letting Joe come read your blog. I'm sure he could find a spare 3 grand somewhere. ;)
Uh, you're *SO* going to need the R2D2 ice bucket to go with your R2D2 home theatre:
As cool as this is, I want an R2D2 that can complete my household chores while I sit on the couch and listen to my ipod play on his viritual surround sound. That isn't to much to ask for $3,000 is it? I didn't think so either.
I really want you to do a humpday post on Ryan Reynolds. He's hilarious and smokin hot. I'd do it myself, but Spam's already mad at me for drooling over him while watching "Definetly, Maybe" last night.
Ok Jules, I was already in love with you but now, now, OMG, I'll buy you one if you will marry me! :)
>>Just when you think you know me, I pick a non-human!<<
Google Rishathra. You are not alone! :)
>>I'm pretty sure this video gave me my first DORKGASM<<
When the remote drawer popped out of the back of the Falcon is when I wished I kept a spare set of clean undies in my desk! Live and learn!
I don't know, I have never questioned my sexuality before but now I wonder- does the desire to hump a droid make me a robo-sexual? I wonder if there are any support groups out there for us Jules?
@Astrogirl: That right there is what's great about knowing (and being!) my demographic. I didn't write that little detail in the post because I just KNEW one of you would put it in the comments! ;)
@MisSis: If you guys get a ski-ball machine for your basement, I'll totally buy this R2-D2. Of course we'll have to put the ski-ball machine and the R2-D2 projector in our NYC loft, but still.
@Spammon: Did you follow that link to the slideshow of the Star Wars theater at the end of my post? It looks to me like it has one of those carbonite Han Solos just by the "blast doors". I am curious who lives in that mansion b/c they have an entire Star Wars museum in there. Stuff in cases & everything!!!
@CherryRide: YES! He should totally dance when the iPod is docked... like those dancing santas, but actually COOL. If you win the lotto and follow through with your plan, I'll be so excited to get that projector that I'll have no choice but to forgive you for the shoes. ;)
@Melissa: Oh, let him! You could charge admission and end up MAKING MONEY!
@Colleen: Well, see, you just fixed the issue about not having chilled beer on hand with the projector. NOW, JUST FIND ME AN R2-D2 PIZZA OVEN AND I'LL NEVER LEAVE HOME AGAIN!
@Linds: You are really on to something. Maybe Colleen can find that? Colleen? You have another assignment! As for Ryan Reynolds, you have no idea how funny it is that you mention him... He's totally on my "list". Of course since I'm not married I really don't need one of those silly lists. I can go around sleeping with Ryan Reynolds any day of the week! Look at me, sans-list, sleeping around with all the hottest actors on the planet! Yeah, no such luck. But if I ever had the opportunity, I would climb him like a tree.
@Rob: WOW, this is the 2nd marriage proposal I've gotten through the blog in 2 weeks! Cherry Ride is going to share his pancake puffs with me, and if he wins the lottery I will get the R2-D2 projector AND some Carlos Santana designed women's shoes. You're going to buy me R2-D2, as well. Life is good!
I don't EVEN want to know how you knew about rishathra. I googled it and was actually surprised you didn't sucker me into a Rickroll. :) I know exactly what you mean about the remote, I felt the same way! I'm sure there's a support group out there somewhere. I believe it's called the internet. hee hee....
I am totally putting the house up for sale tomorrow, so we can get that NYC loft.
Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't sell the house. Where would Jim and the boys live? Bwahahahahaha!
@MistaSista: Who? hee hee....
@ Nerdy Redneck: RoboSexual? I LOVE that! I'm so working that into my next dinner conversation!
@ Jules: Honey, as long as the droid can vibrate....who the F cares!!! What kind of batteries does it take? :)
For some reason I missed that link. And now that I went through it I feel like I am worthless. Yes, that IS the Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Who the hell is this guy? Those Runco 3-chip DLP projectors are close to $100k. That is truly my Home Theater dream right there. (btw, I also do Home Theater on the side. If you need a hook-up, I'm your man.)
I always wanted the landspeeder... but never got one. Maybe I should go buy one today.
The world of star wars is endless!
Thanks for sharing.
I could imagine playing a video game or watching a movie on the ceiling could cause quite the head rush! I love it when R2-D2 bust out the 360.
Don't kill me. I've NEVER seen a complete STAR WARS movie. When people at work heard this.. they bought me the Trilogy for my bday to get me started.
As for that theater- I think they look fab but are overrated. I actually had a 108 in. projector screen that came down from the ceiling in my old house. Never used it once.
Jules, you know, after giving this post the deep and thoughtful attention it truly deserves it occurs to me that considering the marvel of miniaturisation the R2 unit itself represents the Millennium Falcon remote is too big and clunky and not quite in character. It should have been an X-wing. I mean after all, R2 was but a passenger in the Falcon but in the X-wing he was essential crew
@Spammon - "I feel like I am worthless." I hear ya bud! After looking through that slide show I feel I must channel Jabba the Hut- "HO ho, ho, ho. This homeowner is my kind of Nerd, fearless and inventive!"
@Jen - Vibrator batteries? You know, there comes a time in every woman's life when she must set aside the things of her girlish youth - and buy something with an F'ing extension cord! Batteries are for light weights! ;) Maybe something with a rope start even? I mean I am just saying...
@Jen: Get with it, girl! Artoo is powered by THE FORCE (or a rope start! ha ha Rob!!!), not batteries!
@Spammon: C'mon, you're not worthless! Just because some dude has a mansion with a $10K piece of equipment... I bet he doesn't even know how to make decent popcorn. The cool thing about seeing your dream theater come to life is that since you do that stuff on the side, you can build your own, but BETTER! Also, if we break in there to get you that Han Solo carbonite thing as per our agreement, I decided that I want one of his pinball machines. It'll go nicely with the Ski-ball machine I'm making my sister buy for our NYC loft.
@5of9er: If you got the Landspeeder today, wouldja mind driving me to ATL this weekend? Thanks.
@Angie: I would never kill you! C'mon now... As for the projectors being overrated, I think I'll just stick with Artoo.
@Rob: You know that I'm an overthinker by nature, so your expounding on the remote just about made me swoon. Of course since I'm an overthinker I wondered if you were just using that as an excuse to call off the wedding and keep Artoo-- clunky remote & all-- for yourself.
jules - Alas, if that projector was $10k, there would be a slight glimmer of hope by the time I'm 50. But the retail is closer to $100k. So that puts it out of my reach forever. Unless Linds is cool with us having a projector instead of a house.
After looking closely at that Han Solo statue, that is NOT one of the model props they sold (those were just all molded foam). That one is the full on bad boy that was built with blinking lights and real control panel. You have NO idea the things I would do to get my hands on one of those.
btw, Did you also notice the life size Sully from Monsters Inc.? Another kick as prop I want.
I would NEVER call off our wedding!
Speaking of rope starts- who has been hogging the Dyson? I am way overdue on my rotation here. I want to use it on the boat.
Stacey, are you bogarting the Dyson again?
THAT ROCKS!!!! And you are SO right, Oogie loved it too. I could see his wheels turning. He was reallocating the money we are setting aside to do the work to the yard/death trap.
Sorry Rob. After studying 8 hours a day for the past 6 weeks straight, I desperately needed the dyson. I just got back from vacation and feel appropriately refreshed. I may finally part with it. Although, Julie did just send me that DVD I won from the first humpday post, sooooo I can't make any promises.
@Stacey - Well as long as it is in the name of education I can wait! ;)
@Spammon: Obviously, I read your original price estimate for the projector wrong... So, YEAH, I guess you'd be better off keeping your house (for now!) because you can't really have a dream screening room without someplace to put it. Also, how will the Kirby sales force do their demonstrations if you don't have a doorbell to ring?
I DID notice Sully! OK, if you're taking Han Solo & Sully and I want that Indiana Jones pinball machine (and while I'm at it, I'd also like that waterfall!), we're going to need some more help with the heavy lifting... and a getaway vehicle. I don't think any of that will fit in my Civic.
@Rob: Good to know! Thank you for assuming Stacey was hogging the Dyson, and not calling ME out first. Brownie points! May I suggest that if you're going to use it on your boat, that you keep yourself SAFE and get a wet/dry vac? (heh heh)
@Charissa: I knew Oog would love it. Your guesses on who the Hump was this month were way better than I could ever have come up with as actual candidates, so I'm glad Artoo didn't disappoint!
@Stace (bastert!): HOW DARE YOU! Jeremy was THE FIRST humpday post! C'mon now, how could anyone but my husband be the originator?! As for your DVD finally getting there, what can I say? While you had the vacuum, I had my own educational work to do, and EJ is quite the documentarian... HEY-OHHHHH!
Jules! Never! The danger is part of the kick! :);)
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