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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pie, Bomb, Ride

Today is all about The [Cherry].

I know you want to be best friends with him after seeing what is quite possibly the funniest picture of all time, but back off. I called it first!

I don't know how he found my blog (how DID you find my blog, Cherry?) but for me, it was love at first comment. Or maybe the love came a little bit later, I'm not sure. It could have been curiosity at first comment. Hoping to randomly bump into him in the grocery liquor store at first comment? Wishing he was my next door neighbor at first comment? I don't know. It was SOMETHING at first comment, and I immediately became addicted to his blog. He's funny, he's smart, he's charming, he's ADORABLE (I can't believe I left that out this morning!) and he's okay with me stalking him, which is probably only because he once stalked Crowded House's Neil Finn and knows the reaction should be flattery and not a restraining order. He's also a fan of Little Britain, which makes him the... hmmm, let me count... ONLY person I know who would get it if I said, "What a kerfuffle!"

It wasn't long after commenting on each other's blogs that personal e-mails were exchanged, activity coordination was attempted and a general feeling that being new BFFs was inevitable, but our connection was cemented the day I saw this post title on his blog:

Soulmates! The rest of you realize that I named this ENTIRE blog after my love for H.O.B., right?!

So Cherry, while you're off sunning yourself in the park today, I hope the person I sent to spank you does the job right. Next year, when we actually have photos together, your birthday post will be more entertaining for the masses. Until then, you're my favorite person I've never met... and my BFF come Fall when we're both in town at the same time and can actually meet up at House of Blues (or wherever!) as is suggested here:

I'll bring the birthday candles if you bring the Pancake Puffs:

I'm using the spanish commercial here because I love how the voiceover guy says, "Pancake POOF"

[Happy] Birthday, Cherry! If I was Sara Bareilles, I'd bring over cupcakes & make you a casserole!


The [Cherry] Ride said...

(Wiping the tears from my eyes) Umm, will you marry me?

It'll be fun - we can look for hot guys together.

We are sooo going out - hopefully sooner than later - for cocktails. And gospel brunch at HOB.

Anonymous said...

I need to be part of this birthday party. I too adore Sara Bareilles, Adam Levine's lower half, and cupcakes. (Wait. Just got the visual. OK. I'm alright now.) And can I just say that "the list" is strikingly similar to the one I would go gay for? Have a smashing birthday Cherry. And if by gospel brunch you mean completely inebriated blues fest at HOB, can I come to that too?

lindsey said...

I don't know the cherry ride... but I love the comments he leaves on spam's blog. Hilarious stuff. I've stalked him once or twice. Happy Birthday Cherry!

Spammon said...

I was really hoping for a video of you singing Coolio's Fantastic Voyage with 'Cherry Ride' as a substitute. And I think Cherry would prefer it as well.

Happy Birthday Cherry!

kat said...

Well if that isn't a lovely birthday post than I don't know what is.

Happy Birthday Cherry. Gotta head over soon and check out your blog.

Any Little Britain fan is welcome. „Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no …“. Though I gotta say that Carol is my favorite in her travel agency. "Computer says no". It goes so well with my job I use it frequently.

5 of 9er said...

I found your blog through Cherry... he told me up to start reading your blog... it was almost of threat. I followed. I'm glad I did.

Troop 542 said...

Happy day, Cherry!

House of Jules said...

@[Cherry]Ride: Umm, okay! Of course it'll be fun, we have almost the same taste in men. Javier Bardem, Adam Levine, Becks... Cocktails and Gospel Brunch it is! xo

@Stace: The nerve you showed in ignoring that very clear instructional FIRST SENTENCE of, "I know you want to be best friends with him...but back off. I called it first!" almost got me all fired up until you mentioned Adam Levine's lower half AND cupcakes. Together. That kind of thinking is exactly the reason we've been friends for over 20 years.

@Linds: The day Spammon wrote his Soup is not a meal post and Cherry commented, "Have you eaten some of dem Campbell's Chunky Soups? No rolls needed with one of them bitches. Sorry, but that's a meal!", I almost died. There's so much greatness there, and it's only one example of his work. I only refer to soup as "bitches" now. The Cherry changes LIVES.

@Spammon: Classic! Is that [C]R's beloved Wendell G(ee) in the driveway that turns into their cherry ride? I don't think anyone would PREFER to see a video of me singing anything. Besides, you know he's into Celine Dion now.

@Kat: YES, you must check out his blog. But remember, I already called dibs. Nevermind the zillion friends he has already, I want to jump to the top of the heap. The fact that you know Little Britain (bringing the number of people in my life who will understand what I mean when I say, "But I am a LADY" up to two!) is very exciting!

@5 of 9er: You realize I found YOUR blog through Cherry, too, right? I think I probably started reading/commenting on yours before he had to threaten me, though. Now that I think about it, there's a strange thrill in finding out that Cherry's threatening people to come and read my blog.