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Sunday, October 11, 2009

A.) Things I won't be doing in this post, and B.) Why:

A.) Making references to blowing or eating.

B.) Because I'm a lady*.

Full story on my Piven birthday cake HERE. Thanks, Missy! You're the bomb!

*Why does everybody always laugh when I say that?!


Melisa Wells said...

He's a handsome hunka man, that's for sure, even if he's a hot mess on the inside. :)

Kristen said...

I had never heard of rainbow cake before, and now I feel as though my life is incomplete!

Stacey said...

Hahaha! This may be your funniest post ever.

Giant Butters said...

Like most of your clever phrases and concepts (thinking Ginner for the most current example), I am now stealing Boner Party and really hope to use it sometime this week.

TSintheC said...

I bet you licked his face, though!

House of Jules said...

@SisMis: Face it, we're all a little bit of a hot mess on the inside.

@Kristen: It's a long ago & far away family recipe, but it is DELICIOUS. Kind of pound cake-y w/a bit of an almond flavor. Impossible to really describe it in words.

@Stacey: I cannot deny that you may be right...

@GiantButters!: I know you'll put it to very good use... actually probably better use than I did. MAKE ME PROUD, GB (Like you always do)!

@TheHotfessional: You know me too well.

Grace Matthews said...

So the head cake was made with nuts? Someone should blow him wouldn't want it to get too hot.

House of Jules said...

@Grace: Heeee heeeee!