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Saturday, July 25, 2009

He's in touch with his feminine side. Sometimes.

So, this just happened.*

Rainy night, trying to find an empty parking spot. We see 4 furry legs scurring around in the darkness, between the already-parked cars.

"Uh-oh, somebody's cat is on the loose! I'd better not back into it."

Then we see the animal's head, peeking around the tire of a truck, seemingly to gauge which way our car is going. It is not a kitty at all, but a raccoon.

"UGH! It's a raccoon! Disgusting thing probably has rabies! You do not want to get one of those nasty, diseased things angry, trust me." {dramatic, hacking noises}

The raccoon sees us just sitting there in the car watching it watching us, as rain continues to pour down. It starts to cross the parking lot toward the garbage dumpsters. Then we see 4 smaller raccoons scurrying behind the big one.

"Awwwww! BABIEEEEESSSSS!"  {clapping}

*For the record, the only sound that came from me in this little Friday night snippet was uproarious laughter, which busted out of my soul upon seeing his horrified face the millisecond he realized he was clapping.


Taj said...

Awwwww! {clapping}

If I was single and dating that alone would have got someone a seriously hot make out session.

(Actually it probably would have got him a WHOLE LOT more...)

Grace Matthews said... have to admit there is something endearing about a man going gaga over baby animals :)